Here at Amaltheia we milk about 200 goats, producing 125 gallons of goat milk each day. Making one pound of goat cheese takes 5 pounds of goat milk. It is carefully pasteurized and cultured, and the cheese making process requires a great deal of hands-on attention. The Chevre takes about three days to make, and the other cheeses vary, but all are made in small batches and shipped or delivered promptly. Over the years, our cheeses have won numerous American Cheese Society awards.
Award Winning Cheeses
We received the 2018 American Cheese Society Award for our Organic Whole Milk Ricotta
Our Plain Chevre, Spiced Pepper Chevre & Roasted Garlic & Chive Chevre have also won awards in past American Cheese Society Competitions.
TEN Hand-Made Cheeses To choose from
Plain Chevre
Roasted Garlic and Chive Chevre
Spiced Pepper Chevre
smoked chevre
Sun-Dried Tomato Chevre
olive medley chevre
PerigoRd Black Truffle Chevre
Whole Milk Ricotta
Our cheeses are handmade, certified organic, high in omega 3’s, containS no trans-fats and are made with vegetable rennet.
“I have to say they were the best tasting chevres I have ever tried. I even turned some friends onto it who said they didn’t like goat cheese!”
Want more cheese in your life?
Visit us at market!
Not from around here? We would be thrilled to ship to you. Simply order through our online store!
We also sell our products to wholesalers. If you are interested in carrying our products please contact Sue Brown.